Personal Stories of Kundalini Awakening

    • What were your earliest signs of Kundalini process?

    • Have you ever felt confused, ashamed, or ridiculed for your experiences?

    • What were the major challenges throughout your process?

    • What were the most effective solutions to these challenges?

    • Can you describe the non-ordinary phenomena you have experienced?

    • How has Kundalini awakening changed your life?

    • What insight can you share for others going through Kundalini process?

    • Is written in a rational, honest, and reflective manner

    • Is written clearly and concisely in the first-person

    • Has been spellchecked, proofread, and is at least 500 words

    • Has been divided into paragraphs (subheadings are encouraged)

    • No promotion, no advertising, no links, no profanity

    • Themes relating to drugs and/or sexuality are welcome, if written respectfully

    • Creative writing is welcome, but without exaggeration or embellishment of Kundalini phenomena

    • Sharing wisdom and insight is encouraged, though not mandatory

    • Your submission may be copy/pasted from elsewhere, as long as it is your own