Listed alphabetically by title. Have a recommendation? Contact us.
The Bliss and Challenges of Kundalini Awakening
Dr. Lawrence Edwards
When Lightning Strikes
Meditation teacher and Transpersonal psychotherapist Dr. Lawrence Edwards unpacks the truth about Kundalini energy and the natural process of awakening that mainstream Psychology and Westernized yoga fail to talk about with Katrina Michelle and Kate West of When Lightning Strikes.
The Bliss and Nightmare of Kundalini Awakening
Craig Holliday
Licensed Professional Counsellor
Bonnie Greenwell - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview
Dr. Bonnie Greenwell, Ph.D.
Buddha at the Gas Pump
Bonnie Greenwell - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview #2
Dr. Bonnie Greenwell, Ph.D.
Buddha at the Gas Pump
Emma Bragdon & Brent Spirit: A Kundalini Conversation | Part 79
Emma Bragdon, PhD, Counsellor, Mentor, & Educator
Brent Spirit - Kundalini Conversations
Emma Bragdon has 60+ years of Kundalini experience. She is an expert coach, consultant, and groundbreaking teacher in the field of spiritual emergence. Emma has written seven books, including The Call of Spiritual Emergency and Helping People with Spiritual Problems. She has co-produced two documentary on bridging spirituality and health.
Emma is the founder and executive director of the Integrative Mental Health University, a not for profit online learning platform that offers certification for Spiritual Emergence coaches with more than 40+ courses on various topics bridging mental health and spirituality, including Kundalini, Bioenergy, and Awakening.
The Impact of Kundalini Activation and Consciousness Shifts in Spiritual Awakening
Dr. Bonnie Greenwell, Ph.D.
Spiritual Awakenings International
Kundalini awakening activates profound changes in the body, mind and spirit. It triggers the reorganization of our energy field, and as it evolves, disrupts our sense of self. When we are able to develop a positive relationship with our awakened energy field, old patterns and beliefs are cleared away and a new openness and quality of presence becomes possible. When we are aligned with the internal process of transformation, we may experience radical changes in our lives and our world view, new creativity, and eventually a deep relaxation into the dynamics of life and death. Most people will face significant challenges in this transformative process before awakening becomes stable.
Joan Shivarpita Harrigan - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview
Bri. Joan Shivarpita Harrigan, Ph.D.
Buddha at the Gas Pump
Kavitha Chinnaiyan, M.D., - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview
Dr. Kavitha Chinnaiyan, M.D., Svatantra Institute
Buddha at the Gas Pump
Kundalini and Awakening: Providing Effective Support
Dr. Emma Bragdon, Ph.D.
Awakening to a more expansive consciousness is becoming a vital part of maintaining mental health and going with the flow of human evolution.
Learn why increasing numbers of people are having kundalini experiences and how to effectively support their need for emotional support and understanding. We all need to discern the difference between disturbances that are part of spiritual awakening and those that are only related to psychological issues.
Kundalini is a powerful, potential energy that usually lies dormant in the sacrum. When it rises it can create physical, emotional and spiritual experiences that can be overwhelming and disturbing. When fully "awakened" the kundalini energy manifests as the highest level of consciousness--one feels bliss, profound peace, and a desire to support the very best in others as well as planet earth.
Kundalini Awakening: Yogic & Buddhist Views - Maps of the Journey
Dr. Lawrence Edwards
Spiritual Awakenings International
Kundalini, the power of boundless Consciousness to know Itself both as finite and infinite, is known by many names in different traditions – Holy Spirit, Goddess, Divine Mother, and Bhagavati Maha Prajnaparamita, to name just a few. Awakening is the metaphor aptly used for becoming aware of what already exists. However, awakening to this boundless power of Universal Consciousness can be profoundly disorienting to the ordinary mind with all its limitations.
Sages and saints have left us maps to help the mind understand what it is awakening to and what lies far beyond its reach. These maps aren’t the territory. We only come to know the actual landscape of Consciousness by becoming skilled, trained, and informed explorers. The Eastern meditative traditions and all mystic traditions emphasize the need for direct non-conceptual experience. Maps and selfless guides or teachers are necessary, but not sufficient. We have to make the journey ourselves. Dr. Edwards shares some of the ancient maps that can help orient a seeker on the journey of awakening to the Reality of Infinite Oneness.
Kundalini Awakening Is Spiritual Puberty
Dr. Daniel Ingram
Inner Integrations
Kundalini Awakening and Near-Death Experiences: Exploring the Links
Dr. Yvonne Kason, M.D.
Spiritual Awakenings International
Kundalini Conversation with Aaron Camp: Integrated Awakening
Aaron Camp, Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate
Brent Spirit - Kundalini Conversations
Aaron Camp (They/Them) is a psychospiritual counselor, working with people who desire to heal their trauma and addiction, awaken to their essential nature, and express their gifts in the world. Aaron is on their own healing and awakening journey, living at the intersection of trauma, addiction, social identity, shifts in consciousness, being a highly sensitive person, and of course, energy body awakening, or Kundalini Shakti process.
Kundalini Conversation with Brittany Marie
Brittany Marie
Brent Spirit - Kundalini Conversations
Brittany Marie shares about her intense spiritual awakening journey with Kundalini rising. She experienced significant mystical events, psychic and healing abilities, and challenging dark nights of the soul. Today, Brittany draws from her clinical training and experience as a psychotherapist, Indigenous wisdom, and intuitive insights in service to others.
Kundalini Conversation with Craig Holliday
Craig Holliday, Licensed Professional Counsellor
Brent Spirit - Kundalini Conversations
Craig Holliday is a gifted Meditation and Spiritual Teacher trained in both the Yogic and Buddhist traditions, a founding member of the Association for Spiritual Integrity, and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) offering mindfulness-based therapy and nondual therapy to individuals.
He offers weekly online Satsang, meditation groups, and a Kundalini support group and travels frequently offering Nondual Meditation Workshops, Retreats, and Satsang.
In this conversation, Craig shares his deep wisdom of the Kundalini Shakti awakening process and spiritual transformation. Together, we explore the bliss and the nightmare of his experience, his relationship with teachers like David Pz, Adyashanti, and Matt Kahn, the importance of unconditional love, and more.
Kundalini Conversation with Justina Janda
Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor
Brent Spirit - Kundalini Conversations
Brent Spirit sat down with Justina Janda to discuss her Kundalini awakening journey. Justina has been conscious of her Kundalini process since 2017.
After an interesting journey, her experience has come to be one of greater inner peace and connection with Self, from which she now serves as a mental health counsellor and spiritual coach. Together, they explore her experience with surrender, meditation, kriyas, and more.
Kundalini Conversation with Kate West and Gordon Curtis
When Lightning Strikes
Brent Spirit - Kundalini Conversations
When Lightning Strikes was founded by Katrina Michelle and Kate West with the intention of creating a film all about the Kundalini awakening process. The film is still in the works, but already, a community has formed around it.
Brent Spirit sat down with Kate and her partner Gordon, both influential members of the When Lightning Strikes movement, and together they dove deep into their very different awakening journeys. They discussed the unsexy side of Kundalini awakening, entering the flow state, having a relationship with Shakti, and more.
Kundalini Conversation with Sameer Patel and Alan Foulkes
Kundalini Collective
Brent Spirit - Kundalini Conversations
Sameer and Alan of The Kundalini Collective sat down with Brent Spirit to discuss their initiative to raise awareness and offer support for those going through Kundalini Shakti awakening.
Together, we discuss their journeys, spiritual emergence, the mental health system, the power of peer support, and more.
Kundalini Process: Challenges, Gifts, and Spiritual Potential
Joan Shivarpita Harrigan, Ph.D.
The Emerging Sciences Foundation
Kundalini Shakti Awakening, Evolution, & The Healing Power of Unconditional Love
Brent Spirit
Toronto Awakenings Sharing Group
Kundalini Shakti Awakening: Overcoming Common Challenges ~ Brent Spirit
Brent Spirit
Spiritual Awakenings International
The Kundalini Shakti awakening process is deeply rewarding. However, sometimes, it can turn a person’s world upside down. Drawing from his experience supporting many through their Kundalini process, Brent discusses some of the key challenges and potential solutions. He shares the hardship of undergoing this process in western society, overcoming some of the physical and emotional difficulties, navigating non-ordinary psychic phenomena, making sense of spontaneous movements and vocalizations (kriyas), cultivating a meditation practice, and reintegrating back into the world. In addition, he addresses the challenge of raising awareness about this process on a broader scale so that experiencers can be supported and understood.
Kundalini Shakti: Our Divine Personal and Global Transformer
Joan Shivarpita Harrigan, Ph.D.
Institute for Consciousness Research
We live in intense times that poignantly provoke us to contemplate life’s mystery and deepen our commitment to the goal of Realization. Our species, poised on the brink of its spiritual potential, seems to be faltering on the precipitous evolutionary step necessary for our survival and fulfillment.
As stories of spiritual transformation throughout human history and my own observations demonstrate, Kundalini Shakti, known by many names, is the divine change agent responsible for our personal and collective advancement.
Inner change yields world change, but both require our proactive participation. In the crucible of Kali yuga, existential suffering seems to be the catalyst needed for igniting our efforts to cooperate with Kundalini’s spiritual agenda, motivating us to brave the purgative confusion and make the effort essential to reaching our ultimate purpose of Self-illumination.
Lawrence Edwards - Awakening Kundalini, The Soul's Journey: Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview
Dr. Lawrence Edwards, Ph.D.
Buddha at the Gas Pump
The Power and Mystery of Kundalini
Science and Nonduality
This panel discussion features Dr. Bonnie Greenwell, Vera de Chalambert, and Dr. Ted Esser, moderated by Julie Yau. It addresses the mystery and myriad expressions of Kundalini energy. Kundalini is reframed as the energetic component of spiritual awakening, as a natural part of the human journey. Surprises and difficulties that may arise during the appearance of this energy are acknowledged, and resources listed for help in understanding and safely navigating its expression.
The Secrets of Kundalini
Dr. Gabriel Cousens
Shai Tubali
Kundalini Awakening
Tara Springett, M.A.
Guru Viking
Guru Viking is joined by Tara Springett, a Buddhist psychotherapist who specialises in treating Kundalini Syndrome. Tara recounts emerging from a troubled childhood to experience her first of several spiritual awakenings through a type of consciousness expansion known as Kundalini.
Tara shares the diverse consequences of these experiences in her own life including a reckoning with her unconscious mind, a life-changing yearning for the divine, and paranormal encounters. Tara recounts her conversion to Tibetan Buddhism and time spent with teachers such as Rigdzin Shikpo and Garchen Rinpoche, who would both go onto encourage her to teach Buddhism.
Tara details learning a range of Buddhist practices including compassion meditation, manifestation wish practice, and the inner yogas of tummo. Tara also shares her experiences channeling White Tara, and reflects on her understanding of the process of spiritual awakening and karmic purification that working with Kundalini energy is said to bring about.
What is a Kundalini Awakening? A Yogic Perspective
Dr. Yvonne Kason, M.D.
Spiritual Awakenings International
Yvonne Kason - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview
Dr. Yvonne Kason, M.D.
Buddha at the Gas Pump