Our Mission

We aim to further legitimize Kundalini awakening and spiritual emergence phenomena within the scientific community through rational discussion, research, networking, training, and education.

We invite individuals from all walks of life to come forth and say:

”I have experienced Kundalini and/or spiritual emergence phenomena. Here’s my story…”

We invite licensed professionals, including psychologists, psychiatrists, physicians, counsellors, psychotherapists, social workers, and researchers to come forth and say:

“Me too, and I’m here to help.”

7 Pillars

  • Directory of licensed professionals with lived personal Kundalini awakening and/or spiritual emergence experience

  • Stories - user-submitted anecdotal accounts of Kundalini and spiritual phenomena

  • Peer Support communities offering accessible avenues to be seen, heard, and assisted

  • Resources about Kundalini awakening and spiritual emergence phenomena

  • Trainings and support by licensed professionals for those seeking to enhance their skills and understanding

  • Podcast sharing interviews and discussions with licensed professionals, anecdotal accounts, free presentations, and more

  • Events aimed at cultivating community and raising awareness such as the Global Kundalini Meditation

The Founder’s Story

Brent Spirit is a Kundalini awakening and spiritual emergence experiencer as well as a Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying).

He hosts The Spiritual Awakening Show and serves as a spiritual teacher offering support to fellow travellers on the path.

Throughout his challenging 15+ year journey, Brent experienced many dead-ends when searching for genuine support for his non-ordinary experiences.

Without success, he sought help from religious studies professors, Yoga and meditation teachers, spiritual guides, friends, family, and many others. He felt alone and afraid.

Ultimately, Brent came to accept that those who had not experienced Kundalini awakening or spiritual emergence themselves could not offer much genuine support.

When looking for licensed professionals with direct experience, he found that many were reluctant to disclose about their personal journeys.

Usually, this hesitance was due to fear of being ridiculed by their community.

KundaliniAwareness.org aims to solve this problem by bringing more attention to these phenomena in a grounded, rational way.

We are many. Our experiences are genuine and valid.

Thank you for supporting our mission.