Clinging to the Earth: My Journey Through Kundalini Awakening
By Carissa
The spontaneous movements and psychedelic colors and shapes while meditating felt bewildering, but this? This new ability to feel energy moving throughout my body all day long was bizarre enough for me to begin to look for answers, “Dear Google, why are streams of energy shooting down my body over and over”?
This is when I finally found the language for all the mystical, bizarre, intense experiences I had been going through: I am having a kundalini awakening.

A Descent of Grace: My Kundalini Journey
By Little Bird
One evening, as I lay down to sleep, a white light descended from above into my crown, filling my body with light, bliss and electricity.

From Trauma to Transformation
By Brittany Marie
There was an explosion of heat, light, and energy running up my spine into my head. I could see the light exploding into different colors within my third eye.

Light Blasted by the Divine
By Maria A
A mystical, intense, out-of-this-world energy hit my body with full force. In my case, it came from top to bottom, and I identify it as a Shaktipat type of Kundalini experience. Back then I wasn't looking for a Kundalini awakening at all.

A Lifetime of Exploring Within + Without
By Laura
A white prana tube exploded out my head and released up to the heavens, from my crown chakra, driving the soul in me into the center of the universe, while a second drove down into the earth, deeply grounding, as energy rotated through my sacrum region.

Kundalini: A Rocky Path Towards Oneness
By Alan Foulkes
I saw clouds like a William Blake painting, and in the middle, the clouds started to thin, until a golden light came through the clouds, and whoosh the energy went right up through my body and out of my crown chakra.
For 24 hours, I felt blissful. I could see the oneness of everything, colours were very vivid, and I was very sensitive to other people’s energies. I could not stand close to people with negative energy.

A Slow and Steady Kundalini Awakening
By Alan K
I suddenly noticed my left arm twitching and my left wrist rotating. It was involuntary, though I could stop it if I wanted. I remember thinking “What the heck is going on?”

It Started with a BANG
By Wouter
For years I tried to make sense of this “BANG” experience. It was so profound and so exceptional while at the same time it was more “familiar” or more “home” than anything else I had experienced before. By a huge margin.

My Kundalini: My Mother
By Larin
Magnetic, electrical pulses every second from feet to head. What the hell is that? I close myself in the room and let myself go. It's impossible. It’s not earthly. I was very sensitive to energies before and I could communicate with them, but this! This is too much.

Kundalini and the Cleansing of My Suffering
By Snow
Around 10AM, I sat to meditate outside. Suddenly, I felt an automatic breath retention accompanied with automatic smiling. So, I went back to my room and started sharking. I was in a total state of let go.

My Kundalini From My Past Life
By Mint
I had a remarkable experience where I felt an energy ball shooting up my spine, activating my Kundalini.

Becoming a Buddha
By Hamish
I didn't feel I was moving any longer, rather something (and something very powerful in fact) was involved instead.